Tuesday, September 16, 2008

SUMIFs make me hot!

Ok first of all I want to say how freakin awesome it is that I am updating this on my blackberry while waiting for the MARTA!!!

Work this week has been nuts. Just as I suspected, we had quite a few stores impacted by hurricane Ike...some of which may not be reopening for quite some time. What does that mean to us?? It means rerouting merchandise, cancelling orders, revising sales plans, etc. A lot of extra work, but I enjoy the challenges and the day sure does go by quicker when you have a lot to do!

What I didn't enjoy was moving back from temporary space into our newly remodeled permanent floor and have a ton of my shit, and my bosses shit, either missing or halfway across the floor in someone elses cube. Or the fact that after 2 days my phone line still is not working!! Makes it hard to call vendors to reroute merchandise when you have no phone!!

What is really cool is that I took an advanced excel formulas class this week at work and have since become obsessed with SUMIFs and VLOOKUPs. I've been able to create some really cool summary sheets that will help my buyer analyze sales in some different ways. It's always good when you can make your boss's job easier! It's so lame, but I got incredibly excited when I finished one of said summary sheets today.

Not too much else going on around here...did anyone else see the season premiere of SNL??? Tina fey as sarah palin was hilarious!!!

Ok almost to my stop...that's all for now!

1 comment:

April Perry said...

Did you see this past saturday's SNL Sarah Palin skit... even better. I can't wait for the debate on Thursday I hope she gets her ass handed to her.